We provide data for non-commercial use, distribution, or reproduction in any medium, only if you properly cite the original work. If you are a commercial user, please contact us firstly.

  • All RNA-RNA interactions: Download
  • All RNA-Protein interactions: Download
  • All RNA-DNA interactions: Download
  • All RNA-Compound interactions: Download
  • All RNA-Histone modification interactions: Download

The data file we provided contains information of each entry arranged as following:

- RNAInter ID: unique identifier for each entry in RNAInter database

- Interactor1: interactor1 in current entry

- ID1: ID of interactor1

- Category1: category of interactor1

- Species1: organism name of interactor1

- Interactor2: interactor2 in current entry

- ID2: ID of interactor2

- Category2: category of interactor2

- Species2: organism name of interactor2

- Score: the integrative confidence score of the current entry

- strong: the strong detection methods supporting the current entry

- weak: the weak detection methods supporting the current entry

- predict: the predicted methods supporting the current entry

Download old version data:

RNAInter v3.0: Download

RAID v2.0: Download

RAID v1.0: Download

Contact wangdong79@smu.edu.cn